Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 22 Weeks

22 weeks!
Even though it has only been two weeks since we found out we were having a girl, I already feel so much closer to her. It's amazing how something as simple as learning the sex of our baby can make such a huge difference in how I feel about and relate to my unborn child. She has a name now (which we're keeping a secret until she's born), and we call her by it when we're talking to or about her at home. In a relatively short amount of time, G and I both have grown to love her so much. Mom was able to feel her kick for the first time this week, also!

There isn't a lot of new information for this week's post, except that I did make a phone call to the midwife just to double check a minor symptom I was having. As I thought, it was completely normal and there was nothing to be concerned about. Other than that, everything is going well with the pregnancy!

The Spiritual Parenting book I've been reading by Michelle Anthony has really been kicking my butt (in a good way). It is so deep and good, and is completely changing my perspective both in how I plan to parent our little girl, and how I view my own relationship with Christ. I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to use this study to work in my life.

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