Thursday, June 19, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 10 Weeks

I'm 10 weeks pregnant today, and now into the double digits! So far it all seems to be going by very quickly. Over the last week, I've continued to feel fatigued (some days worse than others), and several foods have upset my stomach. Other than that, there aren't any new symptoms. I was really tired yesterday, but I feel like I have a lot of energy today. At this point I don't think I'm showing yet, but I'm sure that will come soon. Sometimes I think I'm starting to show, but then it ends up being gas or a full stomach after eating!

Though I have no trouble believing the pregnancy test was accurate now, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that there's actually a baby forming inside me. For some reason, it just doesn't seem real. My brain will not accept reality. I won't be having an ultrasound until August (when we will hopefully find out the sex), but maybe the truth will finally sink in when I have the pictures to prove it to myself. Until then and beyond, I'll just have to rest in the Lord and trust that He has everything under control. I'll be glad when I start getting my baby belly, though. 

Lately, I've been too tired to exercise, and even small chores (such as loading the dishwasher, making the bed, or even cooking a meal) leave me feeling like I've worked hard all day. I'm hoping that I'll have lots of energy when I reach the second trimester. Maybe by then all of my food aversions will be gone, and I'll be able to eat more. In other news, I ordered a Camelbak 33oz water bottle from Amazon that came in last weekend, and I've been working hard to drink lots of water. It's really great, even if the spout is unnervingly similar to the rubber nipple on a baby bottle.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 9 Weeks

Yesterday, I reached the nine week marker for the pregnancy. I had my first prenatal appointment, and although we weren't able to find the heartbeat this time, we aren't worried. Apparently that's normal at this point, and we will definitely be able to hear it at the next appointment. We also announced to the world - via Facebook - that we are growing our family. It's nice not to have to keep it a secret anymore!

So far the pregnancy has been really easy. I haven't had any morning sickness, though I didn't feel well a few times until after I ate. As soon as I got some food in me, I felt fine! There haven't been many cravings yet (though I did desperately want some Kraft mac 'n cheese last week, and opted to get the organic Annie's brand instead as a compromise), but I have had a lot of food aversions. I'm hungry all the time, but can't seem to eat more than a few bites of anything (even things I normally like) before I decide I really don't want it anymore. The Hubby has been very good about encouraging me to eat when I don't feel like it. I'm still working on my water intake. Drinking plenty of water is something I have always struggled with, and it's no less challenging when you're pregnant! I know I can do it though, I just have to be intentional about it. 

Last week I felt tired almost every day. It wasn't just sleepy; it was the I-just-woke-up-and-I-feel-like-I-need-to-sleep-all-day kind of tired. Fortunately my energy seems like it has come back this week, so I should be able to get the recommended exercise in. I've had several crazy pregnancy dreams as well. I dreamt that I was eating raw almonds one night, and I remember tasting them in my dream. They were the most delicious things I have ever tasted! Of course, when I woke up, I didn't want any almonds (I guess food aversions take place even when you dream about eating). The other dream that I thought was especially funny was me dreaming about going to my first prenatal appointment before we went. I've been thinking - quite irrationally - that I would get to the appointment and they would tell me I wasn't pregnant, and that there was no baby in there (forget the fact that I've had no period and took TWO pregnancy tests, both of which were positive)! Well, in this dream, we went to the appointment and found out there were actually FIVE babies growing inside me. Three boys, and two girls. You should have seen G's face when I told him about it the next day! Well, I don't know if there are five or not (seems pretty unlikely), but there's definitely at least ONE baby, and my pregnancy has been confirmed by professionals. Maybe I'll stop being paranoid now.