Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The One I Love - 3 Year Engagement Anniversary

"When I found the one I love...I held him and would not let him go..." -Song of Solomon 3:4

Four years ago today, G took me to The Cheesecake Factory. Our friendship was still relatively new, and our courtship wouldn't officially get started for another month. Even so, I already loved him. Because of his passion for Jesus, his integrity and godly character, his ability to make me laugh, and the honorable way in which he treated me, my heart never stood a chance. As time went on, God continued to give confirmation that He was directing our lives toward each other.

Exactly three years ago, we went back to The Cheesecake Factory together. G had planned a special outing after lunch, and he surprised me with a trip to our local Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful day, and there were a lot of flowers in bloom. We walked around for an hour, occasionally stopping to take pictures of the plants or sit on a bench. G had been unusually quiet for most of the day, and I hoped nothing was bothering him. After a while, we came to a shady and quiet spot in one of the gardens and sat down to take in the scenery. We sat in silence for a moment, and then G spoke up and began what will always be one of my favorite conversations. Toward the end, he pulled a box out of his camera bag, moved off the bench onto one knee, and asked me to be his wife. When I finally got the tears under control, I squeaked out a "yes!" and we were married almost six months later.

Shortly after we were engaged, my Papa told me that I couldn't begin to fathom the happiness that marriage would bring.

He couldn't have been more right.

In almost three years as husband and wife, G and I have experienced the greatest joys and the deepest sorrows together. Side by side, we've experienced death but also new life. God has blessed us far beyond what we ever expected or hoped for, and He has poured out his grace and mercy on us time and time again. The Lord could give us one more day together or He could bless us with a lifetime; but no matter what's in store for our future, I'm thankful for every second I get with my G.

So, to my dearest Love and best friend, thank you for choosing me. There hasn't been one second of our life together that I've doubted or regretted our covenant. You were worth every second of waiting, of hoping, and of struggling to trust God in my loneliness before He brought us to each other. Your love for Jesus makes me love Him even more, and you inspire me to be the best that I can be every day. Even when I fail, you still love me without hesitation. You are an amazing leader and provider, husband and father, and it's a privilege to be your wife. I love you forever and always.

"May God be praised! He has not turned away my prayer or turned His faithful love from me." -Psalm 66:20

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