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25 Weeks! |
Pregnancy Symptoms
On Tuesday, my chiropractor (who I've started visiting every week instead of every three weeks) worked on my round ligaments to help take the pressure off of my lower back. He said the adjustments should encourage Tessa to move into the correct position as well. Before we went in for the appointment, I felt really huge and tight in all of my joints; but when we left, everything felt normal again and I could move! I couldn't believe how much better I felt! I even told G that we should go salsa dancing (I was totally joking - ain't nobody got coordination for that). It really has been a blessing to have access to such great chiropractic care, and I can't imagine going through a pregnancy - or non-pregnant life - without it. When we went to bed that night, I could feel Tessa moving around a lot. Though I can't be sure because I don't know exactly how she's oriented, I feel confident that she was head down by the time I fell asleep. However, based on her kicks over the last day or two, it seems like she may have found her way back to whatever position she was in before! I guess we won't know for sure until my next perinatal appointment on the 30th.
Tessa's kicks are getting significantly stronger. If I'm watching at the right time, I can see her movements through several layers of clothing (or a blanket)! She also seems to respond quickly now if my belly is touched and if I talk to her or G. A few hours ago, I clapped and squealed excitedly after learning that my sister-in-law is in now labor, and Tessa started wiggling too. It's as if she was excited by the news of her cousin's eminent arrival as well, which I thought was cute. Of course, I probably just startled her by my sudden outburst. Sorry, Tessa!
There have been several restless nights this week because I couldn't get comfortable or had to get up several times to go to the bathroom (all of you mamas out there will totally understand). As a result, I've been a little moodier. It probably doesn't help that it has rained every day for over a week with little sunshine (though I'm not complaining, because it keeps all of this pollen from getting really bad)! Yesterday was a low day for me, and I was unexplainably emotional and needy. G was so understanding, and he put off his plans to work on the master bedroom trim so that he could be with me. I also get my progesterone injections on Fridays, and it hurt more than usual this time. It has been a great opportunity for me to practice my focused relaxation techniques that I am learning in our birthing class. They really do make a difference!
A Few Thoughts
If Tessa were to be born this week (which is still very unlikely), her chances of survival would be between 50-80%! It's strange to think that she is now bigger than Addie was when she was born, and I think she's going to seem gigantic in comparison whenever she does get here. As I said last week, we're torn between wanting her to stay put and longing to hold her in our arms! The last few months of pregnancy will probably go quickly, except for the very end (from what I've heard), so she'll be with us before we know it! Fortunately, there is plenty to do to keep us distracted until then.
G pointed out to me that I only have 11 more progesterone injections to take before I'll be finished! I stop taking them at 36 weeks, or whenever Tessa comes - whichever comes first. Since there is nothing to indicate that Tessa will be born before then, it's probably an accurate assumption. The perinatologist that saw me at my last appointment (it was someone different, because my normal doctor was away) said that I would have to take the injections with every pregnancy, unless I wanted to take the risk and see what would happen without them. However, since we can't be sure whether or not the cerclage is holding because of the injections, I will probably continue to use them in subsequent pregnancies. I can't stand needles, but it's a small price to pay if it means my babies are less likely to be born too soon.
And so I'll close with something G says every Saturday as he pretends to high-five Tessa:
"Way to hang in there another week!"
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