We sat in front of her little white casket, surrounded by family and close friends. There was a simple arrangement of white roses on top, along with the tiny little shoes (which ended up being far too big) that we bought the day we found out she was a girl. It was the only thing we had bought for her, and it just didn't seem right for any other little girl to wear them. The service was perfect; everything pointed to Jesus, and the hope that He gives in times of trouble. We laughed and cried, and were greatly blessed by all of the kind words that were spoken. Then we sang "Jesus Loves Me" in unison, and there was a great sense of sacredness as our voices echoed across the graveyard. Pastor closed in prayer, and as soon as he finished, I felt an incredible calm. It was as if a door had closed in my heart - in a good way - and my soul felt rest.
Lunch was served in the same room we used for our wedding reception almost two years ago, and I was struck by how much can change in such a short amount of time. It was a day not unlike today; warm, sunny, and beautiful. We could never have imagined that we would be back here just before our second anniversary to bury our first child. Although it isn't what we thought our life would be like when we would dream about our future, we are choosing to trust God and go wherever He may lead us. His plans are always best, even when it doesn't seem like it.
Just a little while ago, G put it perfectly when he said that it was as if we've crossed a bridge in our lives and can move on down the path. We can't know how many bridges we have left to cross, but we are confident that God will be right there crossing them with us. Thank you all for your prayers, your emails, and your words of encouragement. They have meant more to us than you could ever know. It has been an honor to hear your stories of love and loss, and I am humbled by those of you who shared them with me. May we together move forward from wherever we have been with confidence and faith, trusting in God to lead the way.
"...In all these things we are more than victorious through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!" -Romans 8:38-39
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