Saturday, January 31, 2015

Second Pregnancy Update: 14 Weeks

14 Weeks! I had not eaten anything recently, so
this is a fairly accurate baby bump size.
Well hello there, second trimester!

Fatigue: Mild
The progesterone pills aren't bothering me quite as much as they were (now that I no longer have to take them, of course). There have been a few restless nights, and I still get tired quickly if I run errands to several different places, but I can see an improvement in how sleepy I feel.

Food Aversions: None

Cravings: None
I don't remember exactly when I started having cravings during my last pregnancy, but it seems like I had some by now. Maybe I won't get any this time around!

Nausea: None

A Few Thoughts
On Thursday, Mom took me to my pre-op appointment with the perinatologist. A nurse saw us first, and did a quick ultrasound to check the cervix and look at Baby. I hoped they would do another ultrasound that day, since Mom hadn't seen the baby "in person" yet. It was fun watching her "meet" her second grandchild! So far, the baby hasn't been very active during the ultrasounds. It's a funny contrast with Addie, because she moved like crazy (though our first ultrasound with her wasn't until 20 weeks)! I'm curious to see if the movements increase over the next few weeks. There's nothing to worry about though, because the baby's heartbeat looks good and the technicians always say he/she looks perfectly healthy. It may be that this baby is really laid back. Anyway, we were given a couple of new pictures at the appointment, which was a nice surprise!

This picture shows Baby's face from the front, with their little
fists pulled up beside the head.
From the side!
After the ultrasound was finished, the perinatologist came in and did a quick examination of the cervix, which he said looked perfect. Then we went to his office and he took time to answer any questions I had while I signed some paperwork for the hospital. I only asked a few things about the cerclage procedure - specifically about anesthesia - and he answered all of my questions thoroughly. He didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, which I think is a really nice trait in a doctor. Since Mom was there, I decided to ask him if a tendency to preterm labor is hereditary (she went into labor off and on starting at 30 weeks when she was pregnant with my brother). He said if I had been the baby she experienced preterm labor with, then my risk would have been increased. However, it was very unlikely that her preterm labor had any connection to mine, since she didn't go into early labor with me. This was an interesting piece of information to learn, so I'm glad I asked.

If I didn't feel like an adult before this week, I certainly do now. I've taken several phone calls from the hospital to preregister for the cerclage procedure, called the insurance company to work out some details, and talked to the pharmacy about the progesterone shots I'm going to be taking. Lots of "grown-up" phone calls have been made over the last few days! The progesterone will be delivered to our house in the next week or two, and I will take it to the following OB appointment so they can show G how to give me the shots. After that, all I will have to do is call in for a refill every month or so. I'm not looking forward to having weekly injections, but at least I won't have to go into the OB's office to do it.

My next OB appointment is on Tuesday, and they should be taking a few more blood samples to run further tests on the thyroid levels. I'm hoping they don't find anything of concern, and that I won't have to be on thyroid medication in addition to the progesterone. During my research about low thyroid levels during pregnancy, I read that consuming a lot of soy products (among other foods) can cause your levels to get low. I had been drinking a good amount of soy milk before my previous test results, so I switched to almond milk and have tried to incorporate more foods that will bring my thyroid levels back to where they need to be. Hopefully these changes will make enough of a difference, but if not, then I'll do whatever I need to do to protect Baby.

I'll be getting the cerclage installed on Thursday, so I should have plenty to share in my next update!

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