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36 weeks and crazy hair! |
Pregnancy Symptoms
I pretty much live in maternity sweats and pajama bottoms at this point. Anything else seems to put too much pressure on my lower abdomen, and makes me feel very uncomfortable. Plus, Tessa pushes back against anything that touches my skin (even lightly), which makes everything feel tighter.
Emotionally and spiritually, I am in a really good place. At least once a week I will get a little bit weepy, but I think it's mostly because of pregnancy hormones, being tired, and just wanting to meet our baby already!
A Few Thoughts
We met with the perinatologist on Thursday, and he said he doesn't think we'll need to meet with him again (at least for this pregnancy). He told us two things that we were expecting to hear. The first is that Tessa is still breech. However, he seems to think that her little bottom is wedged down in my pelvis, which is why she hasn't really changed her orientation at all and why she hasn't turned. The possibility of her being stuck in that position was something I had wondered about many times, and having that suspicion confirmed was kind of a relief. At least I know I've done everything I could do to help her turn, and I really feel like she's tried very hard to do so over the last few weeks. Poor baby! Anyway, the second thing he told us is that we will need to schedule a cesarean. I think the Lord has been preparing me for this scenario, because I've felt in my heart for a while now that this is the path I will have to take. Fortunately, He helped me deal with my fears and insecurities before having that reality confirmed. It would have been a very hard blow to hear that news during the appointment if He had not. What a loving God.
While we figured Tessa was still breech and that the perinatologist would recommend a cesarean, we were surprised by several pieces of information. After taking careful measurements of Tessa and examining her closely himself, the perinatologist said it looked like her weight gain could be slowing down just a little bit. He doesn't put much stock in averages (unless something is very abnormal), but the average weight for babies at this point is about 5 1/2 pounds. Based on the measurements he took, Tessa seemed to be weighing in at 4 pounds 15 ounces. The perinatologist didn't seem to think this was a problem - especially since all of her other measurements were normal - but he did say that it's possible that the placenta is not getting as many nutrients to her at this point. My thoughts immediately went to my appetite over the last two weeks. For whatever reason, I haven't felt very hungry. Or if I was hungry, I didn't feel like eating. So I know I haven't eaten nearly as much as I should, and I definitely haven't been getting in the recommended 100g of protein a day. After hearing what he had to say about her weight gain though, I have picked up my eating again (even if it's lots of protein-packed snacks throughout the day). Hopefully that will help, but even if that isn't the cause, I'm relieved that the perinatologist wasn't concerned.
The other information that surprised us, is that he recommended the date for the cesarean be much sooner than what my OB had originally suggested. At my last appointment with her, she wanted to schedule it for July 24. I would have been 38 weeks and 6 days; just one day shy of the 39 week minimum set by the hospital for all C-sections (unless a doctor deems it medically necessary to have it earlier). Instead, the perinatologist said the surgery needs to be scheduled between 37 and 38 weeks. The risks to Tessa would increase as would the likelihood that I would go into labor if it is any later than that. He was very kind to me, and said that although he knew I wanted to labor naturally, I did extremely well to get this far in the pregnancy without any problems. He also encouraged me and said that just because I need to have a cesarean this time around doesn't mean I can't attempt a natural birth with future pregnancies. While Tessa could still turn before the surgery, he doesn't think it is very likely. Honestly, I don't think that's going to happen either. I'm okay with it at this point though, since I just want to hold her in my arms at last!
This Tuesday is the next appointment with my OB and since she has been very anxious about me going into labor with a breech baby, it wouldn't surprise me if she will want to schedule the surgery for as soon as possible. Either way, it won't be more than two weeks before our little girl arrives on the scene!
"For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know [this] very well. My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all [my] days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began." -Psalm 139:13-16
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