Though I have no trouble believing the pregnancy test was accurate now, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that there's actually a baby forming inside me. For some reason, it just doesn't seem real. My brain will not accept reality. I won't be having an ultrasound until August (when we will hopefully find out the sex), but maybe the truth will finally sink in when I have the pictures to prove it to myself. Until then and beyond, I'll just have to rest in the Lord and trust that He has everything under control. I'll be glad when I start getting my baby belly, though.
Lately, I've been too tired to exercise, and even small chores (such as loading the dishwasher, making the bed, or even cooking a meal) leave me feeling like I've worked hard all day. I'm hoping that I'll have lots of energy when I reach the second trimester. Maybe by then all of my food aversions will be gone, and I'll be able to eat more. In other news, I ordered a Camelbak 33oz water bottle from Amazon that came in last weekend, and I've been working hard to drink lots of water. It's really great, even if the spout is unnervingly similar to the rubber nipple on a baby bottle.